mythical, mystical, mysterious


1 min read


"Mythical" refers to something that is based on a myth or a traditional story that is not necessarily true.

"Mystical" refers to something that is beyond ordinary understanding or explanation and is often associated with religious or spiritual beliefs.

"Mysterious" refers to something that is not fully understood or that is difficult to explain.


Mythical: 只存在於傳說 or 神話 or 故事 中的。用這個字就代表,這個東西只是虛構的 想像的,真實世界是不存在的。
例如: 獨角獸、雙頭巨人

Mystical: 神秘的。這個字用於 宗教 or 信仰 or 超自然 這種,超出目前科學常理的。
例如: 被害人託夢告訴警方案發經過,警方尋線就找到被害人屍體 和 加害人了。

Mysterious: 神秘的、謎團般的。因為 不完全了解 or 複雜難以理解 而覺得神秘。
例如: 量子力學、神秘的黑衣人留下了一封信、牆上刻了一串神秘的數字


"The unicorn is a mythical creature that has captured people's imaginations for centuries."

"The ancient temple was said to have mystical powers that could heal the sick."

"The disappearance of the plane remains a mysterious event that has puzzled investigators for years."


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